It is with great sadness and dismay that we have to cope with the death of our company founder and Managing Director Hubertus Didam. He passed away unexpectedly, leaving a huge gap in his personal and professional life.
Hubertus Didam founded MonsterSlush in 1998 and not only led the company to commercial success, but also always stood out for his integrity, fairness and honesty in an entrepreneurial context. As an old-school entrepreneur, you could always rely on his word.
Partners, customers and employees appreciated his open and courageous manner. In his role as Managing Director, he guided the company from a bold idea in a garage in Düsseldorf to one of the leading providers of slush products in the DACH region and far beyond.
With his ideas and innovations, but also with his assertiveness, he established trends and was a pioneer for high-quality slush production carried out to the highest production standards. Many people know his face and immediately associate it with MonsterSlush, and he was, is and will remain the heart of the company. His loss is a turning point for us as a company, our partners and employees.
We will always remember him as a boss, friend, businessman and, of course, as a father, partner, brother and son. His work, his presence and his professional and personal legacy will live on even after his death.
Who has worked like you in life,
Who so filled the room with light
And always gave his best
He does not die even in death.
However, in the spirit of Hubertus Didam, MonsterSlush will outlive his work and will continue to stand for everything he has built up over the course of his life's work. Earlier than planned, but according to schedule, the next generation takes over the family business with his daughter Christine Naas.
Statement by Christine Naas:
My father was an extraordinary person and a great role model for me. MonsterSlush is his life's work in every way and he always taught me to act with the highest ethical and human standards. He always lent a helping hand where it was needed and made MonsterSlush the company it is today. As his daughter, I practically grew up in the company and for me there was never a question, whether I take over the company, but only when. Unfortunately, the death of my father has now determined the timing of the succession and his loss is incredibly painful. But I am ready to take on the task and continue to drive the company forward according to the principles of integrity, transparency, reliability and honesty.
Our great team has been doing a great job for decades and is more than ready to carry the company into the next generation.
I would like to start by thanking all our customers and partners, but above all our employees, who are part of our success thanks to their trust and commitment. I would also like to thank all those who have expressed their condolences or offered their support. I look forward to new projects, interesting discussions and to continuing to offer the best quality and service with MonsterSlush. Just as my father would have wanted.
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